Publications available for purchase include:
Ray Albritton, Recollections of Days Gone By (1997)
Illustrated by Marty Zimmerman and compiled and edited by Freddie & Hugh Wright. “Prepare yourself for a treat. You’ll find a wealth of good reading in Ray Albritton’s recollection of hard-scrabble times. All of his accounts are included in this collection, along with previously unpublished articles and a set of articles about his adventures in World War II.” |
Canter Brown, Jr. In the Midst of All That Makes Life Worth Living: Polk County to 1940 (2001)
“Readers seeking a typical local history will not find it in this book. Rather, they will discover the work of a senior historian who blends multi-layered context and insightful analysis with human detail to weave a vivid word portrait remarkable for its depth and breadth. Here is living, breathing history. Behold colorful characters, saints, sinners, and just ordinary folks.” |
Canter Brown, None Can Have Richer Memories: Polk County 1940 – 2000 (2005)
“Discover a fascinating world, one that sprang from trials of the Great Depression and World War II to dizzying heights of economic prosperity and cutting edge development before staggering from blows of nature and of man. You will not regret joining in on this truly remarkable historical journey.” |
O. Hugh Wright, ed. An Historical Gazetteer of Polk County, Florida (2003)
$ 5.00
Originally created in a limited addition by Felix Nerod in 1986, this is a magnificent piece of work. For Florida researchers the book provides an extensive listing of place names and geographical data from the history of Polk County. |
To order these publications download our Book Order Form and mail to:
Polk County Historical Association
Attn: Publications
P.O. Box 2749
Bartow, FL 33831-2749
Please include $5.00 per book for shipping and handling.