Our Mission
The Polk County Historical Association was founded in 1974 as a not-for-profit 501(c)3 member-supported organization dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of Polk County history. Through a broad range of activities in collaboration with the Polk County History Center, the Polk County Historical Association promotes the awareness of and interest in Polk County history.
Polk County Historical Association Board of Directors 2022 – 2023
William Lloyd Harris, President
Jennifer Bush, Vice President & Heritage Partner Committee Co-Chair
Roderick D. Hudnell, Treasurer
Lois Sherrouse-Murphy, Secretary
Mel Sellers, Past President
Denise Bohde
Richard Fifer, Communications Committee
S. L. Frisbie IV, Communications Committee
Derek Harpe
John Keating
Lyonal B.Lindsey, Jr.
LuAnn Mims, Communications Committee Chair
Jan Parham
Tina Peak, Communications Committee
Harriet Rust, Heritage Partners Committee Co-Chair
Sheila Tindle
Donald H. Wilson
Myrtice Young, Communications Committee
Board of Directors Meeting Schedule: Feb, April, July & September on 2nd Tuesdays @ 4:00 pm at the Polk County History Center, 100 East Main Street, Bartow, FL
A Brief History
On a Sunday afternoon in 1974, forty-one organizers accepted a mandate to make the past part of the present and to ensure that past and present will be part of the future for Polk County citizens, by establishing the Polk County Historical Association. Initial officers were Glenn Hooker, President; Walter Crutchfield, Vice President; Jim Gardner, Vice President; Elizabeth Brown, Secretary; Lacona Padgett, Treasurer, Louise Frisbie, Quarterly Editor, and “Bud” Dixon, Clerk of the Court for Polk County as ex officio member of the Polk County Historical Commission. The Clerk of the Court office donated the services of Lacona Padgett, librarian for the Polk County Historical Library, contributing eight hours weekly for PCHA recordkeeping. Space was also provided for a PCHA office.